Scholarship Program


RAC provides registration fee scholarships to children, who without financial assistance would not be able to participate in a competitive swimming program. RAC provides this opportunity for area youth because swimming is a critical life skill and swimming as part of a team provides important physical, mental and character-building benefits.


Requirements for eligibility:

  • Athlete must be age 18 or younger.
  • Athlete must commit to attend a minimum of 75% of scheduled practices and meets.
  • Athlete's family must provide volunteer service to RAC during the scholarship season.  Nature of service to be determined on a case by case basis, and based upon RAC's needs and the family's skills.
  • Parent or guardian must submit a completed application, with all requested information provided. (Incomplete applications will not be considered).
  • Application must be approved by the RAC Scholarship Committee (consisting of RAC President, Vice President and Treasurer).


Priority will be given to eligible youth meeting one or more of the criteria below:

  • Member of a multi-child family.
  • Living in a single parent home.
  • Radnor Township resident.
  • Receiving assistance from programs such as: Food Stamps, Medicaid, SSI, Foster Care, WIC, etc… (Must provide written documentation in these programs to receive priority status).
  • Written recommendation by school representatives, social workers, youth community center workers, or other social service representatives.

All scholarship applications will be reviewed only by the RAC Scholarship Committee. All applications (and information derived from applications) will be kept in the strictest of confidence, and hard copies will be destroyed after review (regardless of whether the applicant receives a scholarship or not).  Click here for the scholarship application form.


Travel Scholarship:

In addition to providing scholarship that covers swimming fees, RAC occasionally provides scholarship to cover travel expenses. If a swimmer faces financial hardship, he or she may request financial support to attend travel meets. Support will only be provided for swimmers to attend qualifying meets of an elite nature, and will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Support may include funding to cover airfare and hotel fees. Other transportation expenses, meals, meet entry fees and incidentals will remain the swimmer's responsibility.

As with swimmers who receive scholarship to cover their annual swimming fees, swimmers who receive travel scholarship will be expected to provide service to RAC in exchange for financial support. The nature of service will be worked out on a case-by-case basis. Swimmers seeking travel support should contact the RAC President directly at