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Parent Volunteers - Swim Meets

Anyone who has been to even one swim meet knows that it takes much effort on the part of parent volunteer workers to make it happen. Approximately 14 parent volunteers are needed for each away meet and at least 28 volunteers for each home meet in the roles of timers, judges, scorers, snack bar helpers, etc.

Every RAC swim family is required to volunteer their time and work a minimum of three (3) meets per year. Dive families are required to work two (2) meets per year. There are many different ways you can help at a meet. There is a job to suit everyone. Outlined below are descriptions of those roles RAC expects parents to fill at swim meets.


Timers use a stopwatch to time the swimmer in your assigned lane, and record times.

Backup Timer

Backup Timers stand to the side of the pool and start their watches at the beginning of each event. They look to the lane timers to see if anyone has missed an event or is having difficulty with their watch. In these situations, the back-up timer goes to the lane where the timer with trouble is working and gets a time in his or her place.


After each race, the runner collects the recorded times from the timers in each lane and takes the time cards to the scoring table.

Finish Judge

Finish judges stand at the end of pool and observe the end of the race, recording the order in which the swimmers finish.

Snack Bar (Set Up & Sell Concessions)

Arrive 40 minutes prior to the meet to set up the concessions area and sell food/drink during the meet. 4 people sell concessions so that parents working the table may each leave to watch their child during his or her races.

Snack Bar (Sell Concessions & Tear Down)

Sell food/drink during the meet and stay after the meet to tear down and clean up the concessions area. Tear down begins 15 minutes after the meet has ended, and there are no longer swimmers loitering in the lobby purchasing snacks. 4 people sell concessions, so that parents working the table may each leave to watch their child during his or her races.


The announcer announces the name, team and assigned lane for swimmers in each upcoming race.

Deck Parent

The deck parent helps the coaches find the 10 & Under swimmers scheduled for upcoming events and get them psyched up for their swim.

Stroke & Turn Judge

These judges determine whether the technical aspects of the swimming stroke and turn of each swimmer were legal. Training is required for this job; please do not volunteer unless you have been trained. If you are interested in learning S&T, contact information@radnoraquatic.org.

Meet Manager/Computer Table

Scorers from each team record the results following each race, and track the team scores. This job requires knowledge of the computer program, Meet Manager, which is used for the computerized scoring system. Training is required for this job; please do not volunteer unless you have been trained. If you are interested in learning Meet Manager, contact information@radnoraquatic.org.

CT6 Timing System Operator

The operator runs the timing system which uses an electronic signal from the starter’s device and the touchpads in the pool to determine the swimmers’ times and order of finish. Training is required for this job; please do not volunteer unless you have been trained. If you are interested in learning the timing system, contact Annie at information@radnoraquatic.org.


The Starter/Ref runs the events in the meet by ensuring that the swimmers start simultaneously and oversees all the other meet officials. Training is required for this job; please do not volunteer unless you have been trained. If you are interested in learning the starter position, contact information@radnoraquatic.org.

Meet Officials Clinics

The Mid-Atlantic Swimming and the Suburban Aquatic League both provide clinics for Stroke & Turn Judges and Starter/Referees. Those who plan to volunteer for these two key jobs and those who are interested in learning how to do these jobs are strongly encouraged to attend these clinics. People interested in learning to work the computer table or the timing system should send a note to information@radnoraquatic.org or get in touch with any board member to arrange on-the-job training. We will be happy to provide more information to anyone who is interested.

Information on Stroke & Turn and Starter/Referee Clinics is available at http://www.maswimofficials.org/clinicstraining.html


Parent Volunteers - Diving

RAC also needs parent volunteers at diving meets.

Every diving RAC family is required to volunteer their time and work a minimum of two (2) meets per year. There are many different ways you can help at a meet. There is a job to suit everyone. Outlined below are descriptions of those roles RAC expects parents to fill at meets.

Table Workers

Record the results following each dive, and track the team scores.


Provide score for each diver after the event.


Announces the name, team and line-up of divers in each upcoming dive (home meets only).