Meet Sign-Up Policy
SAL dual meets and SAL League Championships
You do not need to sign up for SAL dual meets or SAL League Championships (qualifying swimmers). It is assumed that all swimmers will participate in these meets. Please understand that writing line-ups for meets is a huge logistical undertaking. To be successful, the coaching staff must know which swimmers will be at the meet. Each swimmer is important to the team, and is a critical part of the meet line-up. Missing just one swimmer can impact several other participants, particularly in the case of relays. In the event of illness, other commitments or the last minute inability to attend, please contact the RAC coach at
USA Meets/SAL Invitational Meets/SAL Division Championships
These meets require positive sign up. This means that swimmers must sign-up for the specific events in which they will swim in those meets. Sign-ups are available through the RAC website by going to Events.
Only swimmers who sign up will be able to swim in these meets. Entries for these meets must be sent by RAC to the host club weeks in advance. Meet hosts will NOT accept late entries from RAC, therefore we can only enter swimmers who sign up by our entry deadline.
Any eligible swimmer who signs up for a SAL Invitational or USA Meet, but then does not participate in that meet, is still responsible for all of their individual event entry fees. Swimmers who fail to reimburse RAC for event entry fees will not be entered in subsequent Invitational or USA meets. It is the responsibility of each swimmer who is a “no show” for such a meet to contact the coach at and let them know they will not be participating.